AQ Wiring Systems Rockford's systems engineering process
From simple to complex designs, AQ Wiring Systems Rockford can take your cable assembly & wiring harness manufacturing requirements from basic information and sketches or from detailed specifications and ICDs (Interface Control Documents). We will then create complete manufacturer drawing packs for you.
AQ Wiring Systems Rockford’s typical design process includes early engagement, a thorough requirements capture process, cost tracking and project management. We take a systems approach to design services, developing solutions with a physical layer architecture, and following through until delivery.
The design process involves carefully determining end functionality, electrical characteristics, mechanical and physical characteristics. We conduct design reviews, standard testing and system testing procedures before design sign-off.
AQ Wiring Systems Rockford also follows up with change control processes and offers on-site support.
AQ Wiring Systems Rockford provides detailed assembly drawings, including cable diameters, harness weight estimates and alternative parts. Accurate harness wiring can be presented as a schematic or wiring schedule.
AQ Wiring Systems Rockford’s design process, from concept to finished item, starts with a mission analysis and understanding system requirements. We conduct both a functional and physical decomposition process before we build the components, test the components and verify the subsystem. The system is taken through a final system test before it is ready for operation and retirement.
Our process incorporates AQ Wiring Systems Rockford’s continuous quality improvement plan, a validation and verification plan, and a final test plan.