Rockford Attends SIG All STAR Day 2019 & Signs Women in Aviation & Aerospace Charter
Lukasz Gaweda and Chris Parsonage attended the SiG All STAR Day in London and gained further knowledge about best-in-class manufacturing techniques and the importance of investing in our people.
Sharing in Growth All STAR (Sharing Together Achieves Results) days help to promote best practice in the industry by bringing SiG beneficiaries together at each other’s premises. These events are co-facilitated by SiG and the chosen host and are designed to enable networking between the beneficiaries.
The host of each All STAR day has a chance to show how they’ve evolved during their SiG journey, and to demonstrate the things they believe they do particularly well.
Rockford Signs the Women in Aviation and Aerospace Charter
While at this year’s All STAR event, Rockford also signed up to the Women in Aviation and Aerospace Charter. We are all very proud to pledge our support for gender balance across aviation and aerospace.
Other signatories of the Women in Aviation and Aerospace Charter include some of the biggest names in aerospace manufacturing, universities, aerospace organisations, airports, and commercial airlines.
The charter aims to see gender balance across all levels of the aviation and aerospace industry. By signing, Rockford is committed to providing fair opportunities for women to succeed at the highest levels.
The Charter:
- commits organisations to supporting the progression of women into senior roles
in the aviation and aerospace sectors by focusing on the executive pipeline and
the mid-tier level;- recognises the diversity of the sector and that organisations will have different
starting points – each organisation should therefore set its own targets, where
appropriate, and implement the right strategy for their organisation; and- requires organisations to publicly report on progress to deliver against any internal
targets to support the transparency and accountability needed to drive change.My organisation commits to promote gender diversity by:
- having one member of our senior executive team who is responsible
and accountable for gender diversity and inclusion;- setting internal targets, where appropriate, for gender diversity in our senior
management;- publishing progress annually against any targets in reports on our website; and
having an intention to ensure the pay of the senior executive team is linked
to delivery against any internal targets on gender diversity and inclusion.
We have a PDF copy of the charter as it appeared on Thursday 17 October 2019. Current signatories and charters can be found on the Women in Aviation & Aerospace Charter website.
According to SiG, “Sharing in Growth and its beneficiaries now account for 20 of the total 120 signatories to the Women in Aviation and Aerospace (WiAA) Charter.”
WiAA co-chair Katherine Bennett CBE, senior vice president of Airbus, said “The Women in Aviation and Aerospace Charter has made great progress since it was launched last July. Seeing so much commitment from the aviation and aerospace industries to work towards gender equality is promising for our future.”

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